Public transport should not reach full crowding for some weeks, says NTA chief

Public Transport Should Not Reach Full Crowding For Some Weeks, Says Nta Chief
The chief of the National Transport Authority (NTA) said numbers were expected to build week-on-week as people return to work. Photo: PA Images.
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Vivienne Clarke

Use of public transport is not expected to reach peak levels for some time despite a return to 100 per cent capacity from today, the chief executive of the National Transport Authority (NTA) said.

Anne Graham told RTÉ radio’s Morning Ireland that levels at present were 55 per cent of 2019 pre-pandemic figures and that numbers were expected to build week-on-week as people return to work.


However, she did acknowledge crowding at present during peak travel times and advised anyone who was nervous to consider travelling off-peak if they could.

Ventilation on buses and trains was good, Ms Graham said, with windows on some buses “restrained open”. As buses stopped regularly this meant a good change in air quality, she added.

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Asked about the possibility of C02 monitors on public transport, Ms Graham said there was no capacity for them nor would that be the norm, as with doors opening and closing regularly such monitors would not be recommended for trains or buses.

Air quality on public transport was not an issue, she said.

Ms Graham said that there was always a place for staff to raise any concerns they might have, pointing out that drivers were usually behind screens and that they could wear masks.

If the public used Leap cards that would reduce the risk from handling cash, she said.

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