The Housing Commission has today launched a public consultation seeking views on the housing system in Ireland.
The public and interested stakeholders are invited to give their views on a range of issues in a questionnaire.
The Housing Commission was established last year to examine issues on how to provide a sustainable housing system including supply, tenure, standards, and quality-of-life issues in the provision of housing.
The Commission, which is independent, is conducting public consultation.
The purpose of the consultation is to inform the Housing Commission’s consideration of long-term housing policy post 2030.

It is also looking at current housing issues that could affect the long-term future of housing in Ireland.
Among the issues the commission is keen to examine is the cost and quality of housing, affordability of private rental accommodation, housing supply, regulation of social housing, housing in rural areas, and the role of approved housing bodies in housing provision
The Housing Commission is encouraging the public to have their say these factors in housing, in the completely confidential consultation, that will take 20 minutes to complete.
The consultation period is running from Tuesday, 21 March until Tuesday, 18 April 2023.