Gardaí to put policing plan in place for Budget day public gatherings

Gardaí To Put Policing Plan In Place For Budget Day Public Gatherings
An Garda Síochána will put in place an appropriate and proportionate policing plan to manage any public gatherings on October 10th, 2023. Photo: Collins
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Kenneth Fox

Gardaí said they will put in place a policing plan to manage any public gatherings on Budget Day.

In a statement released this evening, they said: "Budget day traditionally involves public gatherings in the environs of Government Buildings.


"There is a constitutional right to the freedom of assemble and freedom of speech, subject to statutory provisions."

An Garda Síochána is obliged to respect the right for all citizens to exercise their constitutional rights.

They said they acknowledge the vast majority of public gatherings disorder or anti-social behaviour is not anticipated, and that the majority of those present will be law-abiding.

Any Garda activity in relation to public gatherings is based on a graduated policing response taking into account relevant legislation and public safety.


An Garda Síochána will put in place an appropriate and proportionate policing plan to manage any public gatherings on the 10th October 2023.

From 7pm on Monday 9th October 2023 & until approximately 2am on Wednesday October 11th, 2023 road closures will take place on the following streets:

  • Kildare Street;
  • Molesworth Street;
  • Merrion Street Upper;
  • Merrion Square West;
  • Merrion Square South.

They said Dublin City Centre remains open for normal business. Appropriate diversions will be in place and the public are requested to make appropriate changes to their commute/ travel plans.

They said additional rolling road closures to and from Kildare Street/ Merrion Square areas may be implemented, if required, for operational reasons.

Vehicle access to the Government Buildings complex has been notified directly to affected persons.

Pedestrian access within the Garda cordon will be facilitated at cordon points. Identification may be required.

Over the duration of this Garda operation, approximately 200 members of An Garda Síochána (all ranks) will be deployed.

This will include primarily unarmed frontline uniform Gardaí, supported by plainclothes personnel, resources from the Garda National Public Order Unit (including Peaceful Crowd Management resources), Roads Policing Units, and specialist services such as Garda Dog Unit.

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