Dublin Fire Brigade plead with public to only attend organised events over Halloween

Dublin Fire Brigade Plead With Public To Only Attend Organised Events Over Halloween
The emergency fire service have also warned people not to purchase or use fireworks and to avoid attending bonfires. Photo: File image.
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Dublin Fire Brigade have asked the public to only attend organised events over the Halloween period.

The emergency fire service have also warned people not to purchase or use fireworks and to avoid attending bonfires.


Speaking to Newstalk, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, John Guilfoyle, said every Halloween people end up with 'life changing injuries' due to these activities.

“Unfortunately our paramedics, year after year, witness and get people on our ambulances with severe burns, facial injuries, we have often seen people with loss of sight, loss of limbs, people have lost fingers, and they are life changing injuries,” Mr Guilfoyle said.

He also urged the public to be respectful of the fire service if they do show up at an incident on Halloween.

This plea follows persistent concerns over staffing issues at Dublin Fire Brigade in the run-up to the services busiest time of year.

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