

Today's Horoscopes

By Astrologers

Rare and wonderful blessings are showering upon us all! Luna is moving through Aries, and will conjoin both tender Chiron and brave Mars, driving us to better ourselves and learn from old mistakes. The skies positively pulsate with power when bountiful Jupiter in Gemini makes a harmonious trine to transformative Pluto at 8:13 pm EDT! Just about anything will seem possible -- and that could be true under such an alignment. Mercury will close things out with a softer sextile to dreamy Neptune.

Mar 21 - Apr 19
More from Aries: Weekly Love


People have the ability to change your life for the better -- if you let them. Jupiter in your 3rd House of Communications is linking up with Pluto in your 11th House of Global Networks, inspiring you to grow and connect with others in order to feel more truly aligned with your reality. The people you're meeting could have a profound impact on your life as you learn over time, as they'll offer unique and valuable paths for you to become your future self.

Apr 20 - May 20
More from Taurus: Weekly Love


You can manifest almost magical progress today. An incredibly influential trine between Jupiter in your income sector and Pluto in your career sector is opening up a major portal for you to leap through, knowing accomplishment and success are waiting on the other side. The work you do now could boost you along for years to come, so be willing to roll up your sleeves and put in the effort. Doors like this don't open very often, so make the most of it.

May 21 - Jun 20
More from Gemini: Weekly Love


You're spreading your wings and flying further than ever before! A fabulous trine between Jupiter in your sign and Pluto in your 9th House of Expansion is cheering you on as you break free from any old habits or limiting behavior. You're showing up to wholeheartedly embrace the person you are becoming. The chance to move beyond your past could arrive in the form of travel or chances to further your education, so keep your eyes peeled for opportunities to broaden your horizons.

Jun 21 - Jul 22
More from Cancer: Weekly Love


Pressure creates diamonds, and you likely feel like you're caught in that process at this time. During this intense alignment between Jupiter in your 12th House of Endings and Pluto in your 8th House of Transformation, you're reminded of the benefits that come when you release old baggage. Once freed from past trauma, you'll be able to reach a lighter, happier future. Gather your gumption to get through this -- and remember that there's a brilliant life waiting for you on the other side.

Jul 23 - Aug 22
More from Leo: Weekly Love


Your closest relationships could undergo a massive transformation very soon. There is a beautiful trine between fortuitous Jupiter in your 11th House of Community and Pluto in your 7th House of Partnerships, bringing refreshing and positive connections your way. This can positively impact all kinds of connections -- personal and professional. Simply put, as long as you're focusing on the people in your life, then you can't go wrong on a day like this. Make a point to grow in tandem with others.

Aug 23 - Sep 22
More from Virgo: Weekly Love


You can take hold of the reins of responsibility with terrific aplomb. You're primed for success, thanks to Jupiter in your 10th House of Professional Prowess collaborating with potent Pluto in your effective 6th house. With these powerhouses on your side, you can make progress in both your immediate reality and long-term future. Don't be shy about taking charge with your impressive abilities. When it comes down to it, you have everything you need to reach the finish line with flying colors.

Sep 23 - Oct 22
More from Libra: Weekly Love


There's no limit to life's pleasures -- or the distance you'll go to discover them. The skies are shimmering with a special trine between Jupiter in your 9th House of Adventure and Pluto in your 5th House of Joy, giving you a positively epic opportunity to chase after the things that make you happy. Whether it's romance, travel, artistic expression, or spending time with your family, there's fun to be had and life to be lived. By all means, live it!

Oct 23 - Nov 21
More from Scorpio: Weekly Love


Your depths reach further than even you may realize. You can discover a few of the wondrous multitudes you contain as Jupiter in your 8th House of Intimacy trines Pluto in your 4th House of Feelings, emboldening you to tap into your inner reserves with a heroic level of power. Don't be scared of doing some serious reflection and self-inspection! You could make some revelations that change your life and your outlook for the better -- it should feel like a blessing.

Nov 22 - Dec 21
More from Sagittarius: Weekly Love


Having someone by your side can make all the difference to how you handle life. The planets are calling you to partner up as bountiful Jupiter in your relationship sector makes a supportive trine to Pluto in your communications sector. When you've got someone there to face the world with you, you'll be able to take in so much more of its beauty. Be willing to indulge curiosity with others, because there are fantastic discoveries waiting for you to make them.

Dec 22 - Jan 19
More from Capricorn: Weekly Love


Your efforts are worth their weight in gold right now. Thanks to a special trine between Jupiter in your work sector and Pluto in your income sector, you can take comfort in the fact that you're setting yourself up for a major win. The projects and tasks you occupy yourself with could have a huge payoff, so make sure you're putting your best foot forward and acting with your noblest intentions. These are the sort of results you won't want to miss out on.

Jan 20 - Feb 18
More from Aquarius: Weekly Love


This is no time to hide your light from the world. You're practically the star of the show as Jupiter in your expressive 5th house trines Pluto in your sign, encouraging you to step into the spotlight. This is not the time for being shy or for playing the wallflower, whether you're literally performing onstage or not. Perhaps you'll be the most interesting person at a gathering or must take charge of a group project. Either way, get comfortable with having an audience!

Feb 19 - Mar 20
More from Pisces: Weekly Love


Your emotions are growing and changing in ways you may not even realize. You're shedding your old self as Jupiter in your emotional 4th house trines Pluto in your subconscious 12th house, strengthening you to abandon modes of existence which no longer suit you. There is a bright, shining future just waiting for you, but you have to cleanse yourself of some old dregs before you can fully embrace it. Don't hesitate to go ahead and make those necessary releases now!

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