Council refuses seven-storey apartments on Terenure College's former playing pitches

Council Refuses Seven-Storey Apartments On Terenure College's Former Playing Pitches
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Gordon Deegan

Dublin City Council has refused planning permission to contentious plans for a seven-storey high 364 unit ‘build to rent’ apartment scheme on former playing pitches at Terenure College in Dublin.

The Carmelite Order - which runs Terenure College and owns the substantial landbank at the college - had stated that the development would help secure the future viability of the college.


The plan by Lioncor - which also includes 21 houses - for the 'build to rent’ and ‘build to sell’ scheme at Fortfield Rd, Terenure comprises four apartment blocks rising to seven storeys in height that is made up of 15 studios, 166 one-bed apartments, 174 two-bed apartments and nine three bed units.

However, the council has refused planning permission to the Large Scale Residential Development (LRD) application after 240 objections were lodged against the scheme.

The council has refused planning permission due to transportation issues connected to the scheme.

The council turned down the scheme after concluding that due to its design and layout, with particular regard to the southern "servicing" access arrangement, it would endanger public safety by reason of traffic hazard due to the creation of vehicular/pedestrian conflict.


The council also found that the proposed development by reason of inadequate provision for car parking would result in substantial overspill parking and servicing activity onto the adjoining public road network.


Providing some encouragement to the applicants should they appeal the refusal to An Bord Pleanála, the council’s planner’s report does state that “the principle of a residential development is acceptable on this site and notwithstanding some outstanding issues is broadly in accordance with the zoning objective for the site and the general policies and objectives of the City Development Plan”.

The report also states that “the site is a zoned and serviced site within an established area where a wide range of services and facilities exist. The site is also proximate to a number of bus services and cycle facilities. A high quality residential development on this site has the potential to contribute to the provision of housing in the area”.

Residents from across Terenure including a number of residents associations lodged objections against the scheme.


In an objection lodged on behalf of the Terenure West and the College and Wainsfort Residents Associations, Marston Consultancy contended that the scheme represents ‘over-development’.

The submission also stated that the scheme “is completely out of character with the area” and “will result in permanent and profound negative impacts on the residential and visual amenity of existing residents and their properties”.

Local resident, James O’Donoghue of Lakelands Park told the council that “build to rent is most undesirable for this area. It will not encourage integration with the local community”.

In their objection, Emer, Eoin & Ronan Fitzpatrick of Greelea Rd stated that “given the current housing crisis in the country, it is not appropriate or ethical for this development to be build-to-rent”.


The Fitzpatricks argued that the scheme should be 'buy to sell’ to allow ageing members of the community to downsize their homes and free up housing stock which would be suitable for families to purchase.

They stated: "Build to rent schemes provide for a transient population that goes entirely against the sense of community in Terenure, and the prospect of anti-social behaviour from a development like this is a concern.”


Chairman of the Dublin South East Committee, Councillor Dermot Lacey told the council that the committee believes that the scheme is “unsuitable” for the location and “is unsustainable”.

Cllr Lacey said that the "across the board" opposition by committee members reflects the huge concern there is over the development.


However, Terenure College RFC lodged a submission in favour of the scheme.

The proposed development is adjacent to rugby club lands which are under long term leases with the Carmelite Order.

Trustees of the rugby club, Tom Moloney, Frank Gildea and Brian Colgan state that “the club sees the proposed development as a positive addition to the locality”.

The Trustees stated that the scheme represents “enhanced residential offering in the immediate area and a source of new members for the club”.

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