CAO change of mind closes following end of Leaving Cert exams

Cao Change Of Mind Closes Following End Of Leaving Cert Exams
This year's applicants were able to alter their course preferences up to 5pm on Friday.
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Muireann Duffy

The CAO change of mind option closed on Friday at 5pm, with applicants no long able to alter their choices before offers are made in September.

The change of mind allows those applying for places in third-level institutions to amend their Level 6/7 and Level 8 course preferences.


All of this year's applications were required to be submitted prior to the normal or late deadline on February 1st and May 1st respectively.

Following the late deadline, the CAO portal reopened on May 5th, allowing applicants to change the courses they had put on their application, as well as the order.

Each year, the portal closes completely on July 1st and no further changes can be made.

Figures from the CAO showed 78,162 applications had been received by the normal deadline on February 1st.

At that point, applications were down by 1,164 compared to 2020, with the number of applications from people over 23 falling by 24.5 per cent.

Last month, the State Examinations Commission (SEC) confirmed this year's Leaving Cert results will be issued on Friday, September 2nd.

The CAO has since said that Round One offers will be made from 2pm on Thursday, September 8th. Round Two offers will follow on Monday, September 19th.

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