IKEA have announced they will hold a 24-hour festival aimed at "celebrating life at home".
The virtual festival will begin on Thursday, September 16th featuring music artists, chefs, designers and creators.
As part of the celebration, IKEA's store in Ballymun will also host a number of events from September 16th-19th.

"The Ikea Festival is set in everyday homes, studios, and neighbourhoods worldwide, turning living rooms, kitchens, bedroom, and gardens into virtual stages for performances and experiences," the company said.
The events will be free to attend, streaming on IKEA's website from over 100 homes in over 50 countries.
"The IKEA Festival is a new kind of experience we want to bring to customers around the world – celebrating, connecting, and engaging with life at home," IKEA's Rosheen Forbes said.
"By opening the homes of some of the world’s artists, designers, DJs and chefs, we hope this gives new inspiration for how we use and spend time in our most intimate spaces.
"We want the festival to spark a conversation on how to live a more sustainable and affordable life at home, as well as a few surprises along the way," Forbes added.